

The sooner we can break down the presumed stigma of deafness the faster we will enable people who have a hard of hearing to enjoy their life in the knowledge that they are not the forgotten few, not ostracized from society but welcomed back into the wider community with open arms.
No hearing aid is ever going to replace the natural hearing we were born with but new technological developments are constantly being announced that come closer and closer to the quality of sound we used to know. Never ever be afraid of trying new technology, embrace it, as it can and will change your life for the better.

These celebrates have published their stories for us to learn and understand.
David Hockney interviewed by Andrew Marr (The Culture Show)

The actress Rula Lenska:
Bill Clinton:
Halle Berry:

Gerard Butler:

Jane Lynch:
Whoopi Goldberg:
Sally Field:
Arnold Palmer:

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