

Ear Wax Removal

Syringing ear wax from the ear canals of people who have a blockage has become, at least in recent times, an option fewer and fewer surgeries offer. It is carried out at district hospitals where the patient can prove that they have been oiling the wax in their canals for several weeks with either olive oil or almond oil (do NOT use almond oil if you suffer from an allergy to NUTS) which is slightly less viscous. Several sites now offer the removal of ear wax by suction - this method has proved very popular where it is practiced; as it is effective and removes the trapped wax without introducing anything into your ear canal except the suction probe itself, causing the least discomfort possible. If this is not available at your local surgery or district hospital then the traditional method is probably your only choice. The procedure for oiling the wax in the canal is described below.

Using a bulb dropper place approximately 6 mm (1/4 inch) of oil into the front opening of the ear canal in the base of the concha bowl. The area to aim for is behind the tragus, shown in the picture below as, a flexible cartilage flap at the front of the pinna .

Once you've dropped the oil in place - use your forefinger of your hand on that side, rub the tragus for about 20 seconds in a circular motion. This action will allow the oil to work its own way down the sides of the ear's meatal canal toward the trapped wax. Do this several times each day for at least 6 days before approaching the outpatients department of you local district hospital.

If they will syringe your ear wax, all well and good, as they will then carry out Otoscopy on you to establish if your Tympanic Membrane is visible - that will dramatically improved your ability to hear.

If they cannot see your Tympanic Membrane they will ask you to continue oiling your canals for probably a few weeks to ensure the trapped wax is soft enough to be syringed.

You can of course do this procedure perfectly well yourself using a soft natural rubber flushing bulb.  Make sure you read the enclosed instructions first, do not over flush regularly without checking with your doctor or allowing your surgery nurse to inspect your ear canals. The surgery nurse wants to see if the Tympanic Membrane is visible, if they can see the TM they will suggest that you cease further flushing at that point and only oil your canals from then on to limit any further build up of ear wax.

Please ensure you read the enclosed instruction sheet supplied with the rubber syringe before use. The natural rubber syringe has a central ridge which is designed to allow the syringe to burst before it can cause you the user any harm. Please note: The offer to supply a "Free of Charge" ear wax syringe kit applies only to individuals living in the Dorset Postal area in the United Kingdom. Clean the syringe after use with warm soapy water and rinse then store for further use if needed.

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